About the Event
- Location: X-2 map (Duel map)
- The last faction standing wins the round.
- The company with 3 wins - wins the event.
- The number of people participating in one round depends on the number of registered players.
- No player can fight before the start command. Fighting players will be disqualified. (The disqualified player is kicked off the map and the player who opens the next ticket joins the event.)
- To participate, you must open a ticket on the WU Discord.
- You can open a ticket 30 minutes before the event starts. You must provide your ID, nickname, and faction on the ticket.
- After teleporting to the map, your ticket will be closed. At the end of each round, you must create a new ticket to join the event again.
- It is forbidden to move anywhere other than where we teleported you before we say start.
- The Start! command is given, and the event starts.
- You can join the war with any ship configuration you want.
- It is forbidden to use invisibility.
- It is forbidden to use spins on the event map.
- It is forbidden to run into the radiation zone.
- Players avoiding the fight for more than 30 seconds will be disqualified.
- It is forbidden to shoot administrators to get yellow health points during round preparation.