LG-4 is the elite laser gun in the game, dealing up to 175 damage per shot.
- Green Boxes have a chance to drop LG-4 Laser, Green Keys are required to open them
- Auction
- Star Mission Futurium provides you with a guaranteed LG-4 the first time you successfully complete the gate. And with repeated completion, there is a chance of receiving an LG-4 in the completion reward.
Drop chance of LG-4 in green chests
The reward drop algorithm has been updated in version 1.217.1, to be more transparent and to minimize extremely unlucky outcomes for players.
The change includes the following adjustments:
- Guaranteed LG-4 in 104 Green Cases: Every player is guaranteed to receive 1 LG-4 within every set of 104 Green Case openings.
- One LG-4 per 104 Cases: A player cannot receive more than 1 LG-4 within a set of 104 Green Case openings.
- Slot System: The rewards from Green Cases are determined by 104 "reward slots":
- 1 slot contains an LG-4.
- 103 slots do not contain an LG-4.
- Reward Slot Refresh: Once all 104 slots are used (i.e., 104 Green Cases are opened), the reward slots are refreshed and the process starts over.
- If you open 103 Green Cases and haven’t received an LG-4, the 104th Green Case will definitely provide an LG-4.
- If you get an LG-4 in your 1st Green Case, you will not get another LG-4 until you open 103 more Green Cases (totaling 104).
- If you get an LG-4 in your 50th Green Case, you will not get another LG-4 until you open 54 more Green Cases (totaling 104).
This system ensures that while the timing of receiving the LG-4 can vary, every player will always get 1 LG-4 per every 104 Green Case openings.