The green boxes aren’t regular bonus boxes. They're so unique that they just appear if you beat some of the hardest enemies in the game!

Which enemies do I have to destroy, and where do I find the boxes?

Special Droprates of green chests

How can I open the green boxes?

Unlike the normal bonus boxes, you need a **green key** for the green boxes, to be able to open it.

Drop chance of rewards in green chests

The reward drop algorithm has been updated in version 1.217.1, to be more transparent and to minimize extremely unlucky outcomes for players.

The change includes the following adjustments:

  1. Guaranteed LG-4 in 104 Green Cases: Every player is guaranteed to receive 1 LG-4 within every set of 104 Green Case openings.
  2. One LG-4 per 104 Cases: A player cannot receive more than 1 LG-4 within a set of 104 Green Case openings.