

Malis are a lot like Jentas. Even though they're small, they're really fast and can go a long time without stopping, which helps them stay alive in space. They've also figured out how to work together in little groups and wait for their dinner outside of safe zones. It's pretty amazing how something so small can be so fierce and tough.


Hp Shield Speed Damage
Mali 7000 4900 290 300
Hyper Mali 14000 9800 290 600
Ultra Mali 28000 19600 290 1200


Btc Plt Exp Hnr
Mali 2600 14 1748 6
Hyper Mali 5200 28 3496 12
Ultra Mali 10400 56 6992 24


Mali X-3J-XXProtos
Hyper Mali X-3J-XXProtosZeta
Ultra Mali G-1ZetaEast

Cargo Drop

Mali Hyper Mali Ultra Mali
Cerium 20 40 80
Mercury 10 20 40
Erbium 10 20 40
Piritid 20 40 80
Darkonit 1 2 4
Uranit 4 8 16
Azurit 1 2 4