

These mechanical creatures are like buoys, with strong armor and lots of HP. They can hit hard, attacking anyone who crosses the borders of Motron. However, they are not very good at chasing people because they are slow. Just be careful: Motron regenerates quickly, so it will be back to full strength the next time you encounter it.

Motron moves slowly through space, emitting a white light that attracts other aliens and sometimes travelers. But not every light in the darkness is safe. Not all lighthouses are friendly here...


HP Shield Speed Damage
Motron 64000 44800 30 400
Hyper Motron 128000 89600 30 800
Ultra Motron 256000 179200 30 1600


Btc Plt Exp Hnr
Motron 48000 64 12688 16
Hyper Motron 96000 128 25376 32
Ultra Motron 192000 256 50752 64


Motron J-XXProtos
Hyper Motron J-XXProtosZeta
Ultra Motron G-1ZetaEast

Cargo Drop

Motron Hyper Motron Ultra Motron
Cerium 40 80 160
Mercury 20 40 80
Erbium 20 40 80
Piritid 40 80 160
Darkonit 4 8 16
Uranit 12 24 48
Azurit 4 8 16