

These robots look like cubes. They become active when their internal parts start moving, giving them some kind of motion. Their armor is made of a rare metal that makes them durable, but it also makes them slow and less agile. There are rumors that their internal gears have been rusty for a long time. The red light in the middle probably means they need help, but it looks like a lonely beacon in a place where no one has visited in a while…


HP Shield Speed Damage
Plarion 16000 11200 125 400
Hyper Plarion 32000 22400 125 800
Ultra Plarion 64000 44800 125 1600


Btc Plt Exp Hnr
Plarion 8640 24 3296 8
Hyper Plarion 17280 48 6592 16
Ultra Plarion 34560 96 13184 32


Plarion X-3J-XXProtos
Hyper Plarion X-3J-XXProtosZeta
Ultra Plarion G-1ZetaEast

Cargo Drop

Plarion Hyper Plarion Ultra Plarion
Cerium 40 80 160
Mercury 20 40 80
Erbium 20 40 80
Piritid 40 80 160
Darkonit 4 8 16
Uranit 12 24 48
Azurit 4 8 16