

They're like space pirates, thieves, and nomads, wandering through the most remote territories of the universe where experienced hunters rest. They're always looking for a chance to catch their prey, driven only by material things and lacking any sense of honor, valor, warrior spirit, or nobility.


HP Shield Speed Damage
Raider 20000 14000 260 600
Hyper Raider 40000 28000 260 1200
Ultra Raider 80000 56000 260 2400


Btc Plt Exp Hnr
Raider 6640 24 1980 10
Hyper Raider 13200 48 3960 20
Ultra Raider 26560 96 7920 40


Raider X-7Protos
Hyper Raider X-7ProtosZeta
Ultra Raider G-1ZetaEastSector-18

Cargo Drop

Raider Hyper Raider Ultra Raider
Cerium 80 160 320
Mercury 40 80 160
Erbium 40 80 160
Piritid 80 160 320
Darkonit 4 8 16
Uranit 16 32 64
Azurit 4 8 16
Dungid 0 0 0
Xureon 0 0 0