

Vortexes are the main protectors and guards of the Quattroid. They are the fastest beings in the universe. Skilled Calipso pilots install many high-speed generators to have a chance at surviving a fight with Vortexes. Vortexes only come out when attacking the Quattroid or when jumping through the space gate. Their only goal is to protect the Quattroid, which is quite honorable, isn't it?


HP Shield Speed Damage
Vortex 45000 31500 420 2000
Hyper Vortex 90000 63000 420 4000
Ultra Vortex 180000 126000 420 8000


Btc Plt Exp Hnr
Vortex 12240 64 3296 38
Hyper Vortex 24480 128 6592 76
Ultra Vortex 48960 256 13184 152


Vortex X-6Protos
Hyper Vortex G-1ProtosZeta
Ultra Vortex G-1ZetaEast

Cargo Drop

Vortex Hyper Vortex Ultra Vortex
Cerium 80 160 320
Mercury 40 80 160
Erbium 40 80 160
Piritid 80 160 320
Darkonit 4 8 16
Uranit 16 32 64
Azurit 4 8 16
Dungid 1 2 4
Xureon 1 2 4